Good Grey Day has been silent for a while and it has been mainly because of concentration on other voices.....

I've been working on various things surrounding, but not exclusive to, my MA Contemporary Art Theory at Goldsmiths. The course in question, Vocalities, taught by Mark Fisher, has been a mellifluous journey through Mladen Dolar's ethereal exo-voice; Barthes' machinic grain, Kaja Silverman's Acoustic Mirror, Yampolsky's vampiric dubbing, Prof Barker's Vocal head-smash, Kodwo Eshun's afro-futurism and the piping of Kafka's mousefolk...
For more about this take a look at the Vocalities blog with a couple of posts from me (GGD disloyalty) on Telephonic Bodies and dubbed female voices in what is perhaps my favorite film of all time.
It's rife with problems and contradictions, mainly surrounding Barthes almost pro-cyborgian love of somatic mechanics, but these present some interesting avenues for considering our contemporary relationship to communication technology. This, coupled with a growing fascination with the voice as mediated by the telephone, formed the base of a recent paper called "Conversations with the Voiceless Glass" a section of which I'll be posting shortly.
Other than that there have been exhibitions and zines....more on those to follow.
It's nice to be able to breathe for a moment.......
Other than that there have been exhibitions and zines....more on those to follow.