High On Time The Voice Box Heaved

I am very excited to announce the third listening event under the banner of SHELL LIKE, my ongoing collaboration with the writer Jennifer Boyd.

How do we dream when reality appears to swim before us? How do we combat the real with the strange if reality already appears to be floating? When time itself lurches back and forth - future-stuttered and rattled by a vertiginous present, we experience a kind of sea sickness, finding ourselves adrift in what Mark Fisher calls 'the post psychedelic oceanic.'

In High On Time The Voice Box Heaved, striving treatises and weird meditations on time will revolve, evolve and reverberate inside Toynbee Studios Court Room, whose wood panelled walls were salvaged from the library of an ocean liner.

The programme will consider the substances and sensations that allow for evasion of capitalist time and the ways in which the body and voice can take us towards a new surrealism.

The hour-long programme will contain existing and newly commissioned audio works by UK and international artists and writers - soon to be announced.

High On Time The Voice Box Heaved
Tuesday 6 March 2018
Artsadmin, London


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