
I'm delighted to announce that, until June 2019, myself and Jennifer Boyd as SHELL LIKE along with Dyveke Bredsdorff of ilyd will be one of  13 groups in residence at Raven Row gallery in East London.

The space we will be working in is an apartment on the gallery's top floor, originally occupied by three sisters, the surviving members of a family of green grocers and textile merchants who lived in the main building in the early 20th century. The flat is named after Rebecca Levy, the eldest and longest surviving sister who lived there until her death in 2008. 

The flat has been preserved and retains every detail of the Levy sister's maximalist approach to interior decorating; these domestic traces making it the most potent atmosphere for working and making. I feel very lucky to be able to spend time there.

A full list of the groups in residence can be found on the Raven Row website HERE.


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